Unpacking - Power, Privilege, & Difference in the Workplace

Embracing Differences for Advocacy and Empowerment

This is training for developing intercultural competency in corporate environments.

Learning a model of multicultural awareness – to provide a common language and common ground for multicultural dialogue and relationships. We are doing this urgent and essential multicultural work so that we can have cogent, meaningful, and deep discourse at a time when understanding one another is the only way we can move forward. We will do exercises to experience how the “isms” live in our bodies, practice together to explore the model’s effectiveness, and put together a toolkit that may be useful in our daily interactions.

I Want To Be More Aware

This course is for anyone looking to build intercultural competency skills, gain deeper self-awareness, and build broader compassion and connection with others. In this online expansion of the original Isms & Issues training, we are setting out to learn a model of multicultural awareness and to provide a common language and common ground for multicultural dialog and relationships.

We do this so we can have meaningful and heart-felt discourse on a range of important issues including racism, classism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia, ableism, ageism and more.

What You’ll Get …
– Context for understanding multicultural work
– Leaning into how the “isms” live in our bodies
– A deep dive into our own identities and how we learn
– A useful toolkit to have in daily interactions
– Models for behaviours to be an Ally and Advocate


A Multicultural/Intercultural Model – PART 1 – Explore your privileged statuses and how they impact your life all within a safe, private container.

A Multicultural/Intercultural Model – PART 2 – Discover who you are within the multicultural / intercultural context, identify 5 unhealthy behaviours and 5 healthy ones to replace them.

Expressing Appropriate Allyship, Advocacy & Accompliceship – You will explore the do’s & don’ts of Allyship, the difference between Equity and Equality, and use Intersectionality as a powerful lens to discover WHY there is systemic discrimination.

Confronting Classism – Explore how our society’s systemic classism creates an environment for discrimination. Includes deep self-examination of how unconscious classism may be impacting how you see and experience the world.

Recognizing Racism – We’ll start by defining what we mean by racism, and look at how it expresses on different levels. You’ll have an opportunity to uncover beliefs surrounding racism, how you may have unconsciously been reinforcing it, and its impact on people of color.

Overcoming Sexism – Explore how sexism shapes understandings of men and women and how sexism plays out in reinforcing discrimination and dominance. Self-examine attitudes that may be holding you and others back.

Focus on Heterosexism – We will explore how our society reinforces heterosexuality as ‘normal’ and stigmatizes and discriminates against people of other sexual orientations. We’ll look at the systemic and subtle interpersonal impact of this targeting.

Understanding Cis-Genderism – Discover and explore the distinctions between sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender expression. Begin to bring it all together in the course Wrap Up.


$1695 – corporate programme rates are available